Kundalini Kink explores the autonomy of the female body in today’s socio-political and cultural spaces. Our aim is to deconstruct the concept of Body-Power through the act of dressing. Two of the main themes we are currently looking into are self-empowerment and embracing the semantics of one’s own sexuality.

The Cult of Shame is going WAY BACK to the 13th Century, when the concept of Otherness was associated with red hair or extremely sensual curves, as portrayed by painters such as Sandro Botticelli or Dante Gabriel Rosetti. Other various artists chose to illustrate the concept of sexuality, promiscuity and controversy using red-locks as a symbol.

Going even further back to the 591, there is nothing that Mary Magdalene has not been called by the church from sex worker, saint to sinner and wife. So, what we are trying to say is: Where there is no evidence, there is a lot of room for controversy. And somehow, yet again, the central topic of controversy happens to be the ideal feminine silhouette.

So many female actresses have been hypersexualized, put on a pedestal and labelled as femme fatales and often times, perpetuating the myth of sensuality over autonomy seemed to be much safer in a male-dominated industry.

But, there’s more to the story! Although the feeling that our bodies are seen as the only things we are bringing to the table can get extremely frustrating, embracing one’s sexuality is such a powerful feeling. Kundalini King is exactly about that. It is about finding the balance between your fragility and strength and fighting your way to the top in your own terms.


Find more about these creatives that innovate intersectionality and promote the benefits of embracing human empowerment:


Tree Says by Hakuten

Alexis, the rising star of spectral London techno

Why Trans People Find Power and Place in Witchcraft

Get Support from BDDF (Body-Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation)




